Doors by George Blog

7 Signs It's Time to Replace Your Broken Garage Door

Posted by Jena Jacobi on Sep 6, 2017 3:12:00 PM


Have you been wondering lately if you should bite the bullet and buy a new garage door? If your current door breaks down often, is an eyesore in your neighborhood, or doesn’t work properly anymore, it could very well be the right time. Pushing off the inevitable could not only prolong your pain but pose a danger to your family as well. If your garage door shows any of the following signs, strongly consider replacing it.


1. Your garage door is very old.

If your garage door system is getting old, it could begin breaking down piece by piece. Various components will gradually wear out until they get to the point where they’re hurting your garage door more than helping.

Older garage doors are often not well insulated, so your home’s energy efficiency could suffer and make your energy bills higher. If your system doesn’t have safety reverse sensors like newer systems have, it isn’t safe for you, your family, or your pets. Safety sensors ensure the door doesn't close if anything is left in its path.

If your garage door opener is also older and doesn’t have a rolling code, someone could easily break into your garage by matching your opener’s code. Consider updating your garage door opener when you update your door.


2. Your garage door is sagging.

Wood doors, especially, can start sagging if they aren’t maintained well. This often means the wood is rotting and beginning to deteriorate. If this is the case, there may be nothing you can do. If you don’t have a wooden garage door and your door is beginning to sag, call a professional you trust to inspect your door and offer expert advice.


3. Your garage door shakes.

If your garage door shakes or rattles when it moves or is noisier than it should be, it could be for a number of different reasons. It could be rusting, in which case you should consider replacing it. A spring or cable could also be broken, or a roller could have popped out of place. In any account, stop using your door immediately, and call a garage door technician to take a look before further damage is done.


4. Your garage door is beat up.

Does your garage door have serious dents and dings in it? Whether this is due to normal wear and tear, your kids play a little too hard in the driveway, or your teenager parked a little too close a few times, doors don’t stay perfect forever. Depending on the severity of the damage, it may or may not be possible for yours to be fixed.


5. Your garage door has cracks and holes.

If your garage door has holes or cracks in it, it could greatly detract from your entire home’s curb appeal. Water, snow, ice, dirt, and debris could also blow or seep into your garage and damage your belongings, and animals and insects could creep inside and make themselves at home. Replacing your door as soon as possible might be your best option.


6. Your garage door has trouble opening or closing.

The parts that work together to make your garage door run smoothly will gradually wear down over time and need to be replaced. If your door is struggling to open or close, something isn’t right. Ask a professional to check your system before irreversible damage is done.


7. Your garage door won’t move or responds slowly.

If your garage door doesn’t start moving within a couple seconds of you pushing the button on your garage door opener remote, something is wrong with either your opener or the garage door itself. Don’t keep pushing the remote button to try to force it to work; call a pro for help.


Sometimes it can be hard to tell whether it's wiser to repair or replace your garage door. It’s best to get a professional’s opinion and go from there. If you need a garage door repair or a new door installed in or around the Cedar Rapids area, call Doors by George. We’re happy to help!


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Topics: residential garage door installation, residential garage door repair

About Doors by George

Doors by George is a local, privately owned residential and commercial garage door company in Hiawatha, IA. Our goal is to help you with all of your garage door and operator needs. We make it our mission to provide the best customer service possible in the Cedar Rapids, Cedar Falls, and Iowa City areas.

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